Welcome to the Staff Resources Page!
Thank you for being a valued part of Marysville Public Schools. We hope the information on this page will prove beneficial. If you feel there are additional resources that should be added to this page, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Building use and Work Orders
We prioritize the safety of everyone within Marysville Public Schools' premises, ensuring a secure environment for our students and staff. If you're considering utilizing our facilities for an event or program, we encourage you to connect with the respective building principal and utilize the provided link to fill out our Building Use Request Form. This platform uses SSO, so you can access your account using the same credentials you use to access your email.
For those familiar with our previous application procedures, please be informed that the aforementioned process now supersedes any previous methods utilized. We appreciate your cooperation as we strive to streamline and enhance facility usage protocols.
Quick Reference Steps: Building Use
1. Use the above 'link' and sign in with your SSO credentials
2. Select "schedule request" (left)
3. Select "New Request" (upper right corner)
4. Follow the prompts and complete the request form
5. If in doubt, please review "How to submit a schedule request." *
This system will also provide a method to submit work orders, please follow the steps below and/or watch the video “How to Submit a Work Request”*
Quick Reference Steps: Work Order
1. Use the above 'link' and sign in with your SSO credentials
2. Select "schedule request" (left)
3. Select "New Request" (upper right corner)
4. Follow the prompts and complete the request form
5. If in doubt, please review "How to submit a schedule request." *
*Please note you will only be able to view the videos once logged into the system. They are also on the menu bar on the left of the dashboard page, which will provide access to the content.
Miscellaneous District Forms
Field Trip, Chaperone and Volunteer Forms
Day Field Trip Request Form - Teachers Only
Day Field Trip - Checklist (Teachers Only)
Field Trip Driver Release Form
Field Trip - Parent Permission Form
Chaperone Forms & Guidelines
Volunteer Application
Overnight Field Trip - Request Form (Teachers Only)
Overnight Field Trip - Check List (Teachers Only)
Overnight Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines/Release
Medical Forms for Overnight trips
Waiver & Release of Claims
Administration of Medication