Enrollment Information Grades 1-12
We are looking forward to having your child attend Marysville Public School. Below are enrollment forms and information to assist you with the enrollment process. If at anytime you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Enrollment Forms
We are currently updating our forms to make them more digitally friendly. Please contact the District Office at 810-455-6007 or your intended school for enrollment documents. Thank you for your patience!
Grades 1-5
Please complete and return these forms to your child's school office.
District Enrollment Form
Permission to Place Form
(to be completed if the child has received special education services)
Residency Information Form
Home Language Survey
Concussion Form
Bus Service Request Form
Transportation Tips
Release of Student Records (please complete so we may obtain records from your child's previous district)
If this is your first time in the district or you are returning to the district, you will need to provide proof of residency. This requires two pieces of documentation that show your current address, such as a purchase agreement or a utility bill.
Grades 6-8
Before completing enrollment paperwork, parents/guardians needing to enroll a child into grades 6-8 should contact the Middle School Office first at 810-364-6336.
District Enrollment Form
Services Received
Permission to Place Form
(to be completed if your child has received special education services)
Residency Information Form
Home Language Survey
Technology Consent
Military Status
Medical Disability Form
Anti Bullying Contract
Consent for Medical Form
Concussion Form
Bus Service Request Form
Transportation Tips
Family Access Request Form
Release of Student Records (please complete so we may obtain records from your child's previous district)
If this is your first time in the district or you are returning to the district, you will need to provide proof of residency. This requires two pieces of documentation that show your current address, such as a purchase agreement or a utility bill.
Grades 9-12
Prior to completing enrollment paperwork, parents/guardians needing to enroll a child into grades 9-12 should contact the High School Office first at 810-364-7161.
District Enrollment Form
Services Received
Permission to Place Form
(to be completed if your child has received Special Education Services)
Residency Information Form
Home Language Survey
Medication Administration Request
Military Status Form
Anti-Bullying Contract
Concussion Form
Bus Service Request Form
Transportation Tips
Family Access Request Form
Release of Student Records (please complete so we may obtain records from your child's previous district)
If this is your first time in the district or you are returning to the district, you will need to provide proof of residency. This requires two pieces of documentation that show your current address, such as a purchase agreement or a utility bill.
Transferring from another School District
If you will be transferring from another school district, please complete a Release of Student Records form and submit it to your new school in the Marysville Public School District, this will allow us to request your child's records.
Middle School
Parents/guardians needing to enroll a child in grades 6-8 should contact the Middle School at 810-364-6336.
High School
Parents/guardians needing to enroll a child in grades 9-12 should contact the High School at 810-364-7161.
Note:During the summer months, please feel free to contact the District Administration Office at 810-455-6007 to have your child placed on an enrollment registration list. Once the buildings open in mid-August, someone will contact you.
Questions about Enrollment
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Gardens Elementary - 810-364-7141
Morton Elementary -810-364-2990
Washington Elementary - 810-364-7101
Marysville Middle School - 810-364-6336
Marysville High School - 810-364-7161