Choosing a community where your child will grow and learn is a big decision. At Marysville Public Schools, the children, their education and their safety are our number one concerns. We are pleased you wish to enroll your child into our district. Our website contains the paperwork and resources you need to complete this process. If you have questions along the way, please do not hesitate to ask.
If you do not live in the Marysville School District and are considering having your child(ren) attend the Marysvsille Public Schools, you will need to apply for Schools of Choice. Application and the application window will be posted as they become available. Please visit our School of Choice webpage for additional information or call 810-455-6007 with questions.
Transferring from another School District
If you will be transferring from another school district, please complete a Release of Student Records form and submit it to your new school in the Marysville Public School District, this will allow us to request your child's records.
Release of Student Records (All Elementary Schools)
Release of Student Records (Marysville Middle School)
Release of Student Records (Marysville High School)
Enrollment Forms and Information
Please select the grade or program for the child you are enrolling to be directed to the enrollment forms.
Immunization Waiver Information:
Middle School
Parents/guardians needing to enroll a child in grades 6-8 should contact the Middle School at 810-364-6336.
High School
Parents/guardians needing to enroll a child in grades 9-12 should contact the High School at 810-364-7161.
Note:During the summer months, please feel free to contact the District Administration Office at 810-455-6007 to have your child placed on an enrollment registration list. Once the buildings open in mid-August, someone will contact you.