Image of Prevention tips



The safety and well-being of all who work, play, and learn within our buildings is our top priority in Marysville Public Schools.  We regularly consult with officials from St. Clair County Health Department on matters related to public health.   We also partner with St. Clair County RESA to ensure consistency in our outreach and communications related to public health. 

Public Notice: Confirmed and Probable Cases

All positive COVID-19 cases among Marysville Public Schools (MPS) staff and students will be posted here. In accordance with the Marysville Public School District Plan, the following actions will take place for each positive case:

  • The individual(s) in question will be quarantined from work/school until released to return by the St. Clair County Health Department.
  •  Marysville Public Schools District will work closely with the Health Department to conduct contact tracing. Those individuals who are determined to have been in close contact with the COVID-19 positive individual(s) will be personally contacted by someone from the Health Department or MPS with additional guidance. 
  • The MPS facilities team will conduct additional, deep cleaning of the classroom, office, bus, or other space that was occupied by the COVID-19 positive individual(s) prior to it being reopened for staff and/or students. The cleaning will be performed in accordance with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) guidelines.


Marysville Public Schools - School Associated Confirmed or Probable Cases

Educational Activities Kids and Resources for Parents

Below are some educational activities for kids, as well as other resources to help parents talk to their children about COVID-19. 


A PBS KIDS Daily newsletter to help parents keep their kids engaged while schools are closed is now available. Each weekday, subscribers receive an email with educational videos, games, and related offline activities and tips that families can use at home to encourage play and learning. Sign up at

On YouTube and YouTube Kids, PBS KIDS offers educational videos from your favorite characters and more, including this Healthy Habits playlist, with clips that explain germs, encourage hand-washing, and more.


The PBS KIDS 24/7 channel offers anytime access to trusted educational series for kids ages 2-8.

The PBS KIDS Video app (  is available on mobile, tablet, and connected TV devices and offers on-demand educational videos, and a live stream of the PBS KIDS 24/7 channel. No subscription is required.


The PBS KIDS Games app offers nearly 200 educational games, which can be downloaded for offline play anytime, anywhere. Learn more about these and PBS KIDS’ other apps here:


•PBS KIDS for Parents (  has an Activity Finder (  that enables parents to search for educational activities based on their child’s age, a favorite show or various topics. Resources to support healthy habits and conversations with children about coronavirus and other tough topics are also available on the site.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses (plural) are a family of viruses impacting various species of animals.  The specific coronavirus currently making headlines is known as “SARS-CoV-2” and causes a disease that has been abbreviated as “COVID-19.”  The virus is spread by air (e.g., coughing and sneezing) and by physical contact (e.g., shaking hands, touching an object contaminated by the virus).

COVID-19 has caused a range of problems, from mild symptoms to severe respiratory illness and death.  Symptoms may appear 2‑14 days after exposure and include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.

Use good hygiene practice to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases. 

1. Stay home if you are sick, and advise others to do the same.

2. Always cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or with a sleeve.

3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 

4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

5. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.  Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and hot water are not available. 

6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. 


  • Morton Elementary Parent and Staff Update October 5, 2021
  • Quarantine Update Letter - October 2, 2021
  • 2021-22 Reopening Plan 08.23.2021
  • Dr. Wightman COVID- 19 Parent and Staff Expectations Update 08.23.2021
  • Expectations Memo July 8, 2021
  • Return -2- Learn Updates- 08.17.2020
  • COVID Response Preparedness Plan
  • Return-2-Learn District Updates 8-07-2021
  • FAQ - Questions and Answers regarding back to school 2020-21
  • Vikings Online Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  • Question(s) submission form for the upcoming school year (07.20.2020)
  • Dr. Wightman COVID -19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 07.20.2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 06.05.2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 05.29.2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 05-22-2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 05-08-2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 04.30.30
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 04.23.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 04.16.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 04.06.2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent (Update) 04.02.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 03.30.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 03.25.20
  • Dr, Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 03.24.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff Letter - 03.23.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19-Parent and Staff Letter (Update) 03.19.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-Staff Letter (Update) 03.12.2020  
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-Parent Letter (Update) 03.12.2020  
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent Memo 03.09.2020 
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Staff Memo 03.09.2020 

District Updates:

  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 06.05.2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 05.29.2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 05-22-2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 05-08-2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 04.30.30
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Updates) 04.23.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 04.16.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 04.06.2020
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent (Update) 04.02.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 03.30.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 03.25.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff (Update) 03.24.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent and Staff Letter - 03.23.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19-Parent and Staff Letter (Update) 03.19.20
  • Dr, Wightman COVID-Parent Letter (Update) 03.13.20
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-Staff Letter (Update) 03.12.2020  
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-Parent Letter (Update) 03.12.2020  
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Parent Memo 03.09.2020 
  • Dr. Wightman COVID-19 Staff Memo 03.09.2020 

St Clair County Health Department

Media Release 03.12.20 - The link is no longer available.

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

World Health Organization (WHO)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak - WHO

Michigan Department of Education

OSEP Guidances


Centers for Disease Control

  • CDC Coronavirus Disease Situation Summary - This link is no longer available
  • CDC Protection for Communities - This link is no longer available
  • CDC Hand Washing Information








Safety Protocols:


Always share accurate information about a virus and its spread. It is important to remember that stigma and discrimination occur when people associate an infectious disease, such as COVID-19, with a population or nationality. COVID-19 does not target people from specific populations, ethnicities, or racial background. Suspected discrimination can be reported to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.